The total number of Utah Medicare Part D beneficiaries stands at 275,729. Counts for enrollees with alternative prescription drug plans remain at 140,288.

Slightly more beneficiaries (143,983) get their prescriptions through a drug plan with Medicare Advantage.

Utah Medicare Part D prescription drug plans for 2024

In Utah and elsewhere, Part D policies provide prescription medication coverage. As one of Medicare’s four parts, these policies are plentiful in all states and help beneficiaries save more on their prescriptions.

In this article, we detail several Part D options. Some plans include a low premium, others have no deductible, some include gap coverage, and others are best for low-income beneficiaries.

Part D plans with the lowest premium

Plans with low premiums help those needing prescriptions get them affordably. Plans from Aetna, Wellcare, and others make it possible.

Aetna offers a plan for $6.90 each month. Patients must meet a $480 deductible before the carrier pays. They’ll get no gap coverage but will enjoy the plan’s rating of three stars.

Humana provides patients with a $22.70 premium plan with a $480 deductible. They’ll get four-star performance but don’t receive coverage gap benefits.

A policy from has a monthly premium of $29.40. Patients with this plan pay a $310 deductible and receive gap coverage with prescription benefits.

Aetna $6.90 $480 3 No
Wellcare $11.30 $480 3 No
Clear Spring Health $16.10 $480 2 No
Humana $22.70 $480 4 No
$29.40 $310 4 Yes

Part D plans with a zero-dollar deductible

Patients often choose the Wellcare plan with a $68.90 premium. The program helps you get immediate full coverage with a zero-dollar deductible. Consider its three-star performance for excellent savings.

offers a higher premium, zero-dollar deductible option at $101.20 monthly. Patients have no deductible and receive three-star coverage with additional gap coverage.

A Regence plan costs Utah residents $112 monthly. This plan offers Utah Part D enrollees several benefits with no deductible, gap coverage, and decent ratings.

Aetna $62.00 $0 3 Yes
Wellcare $68.90 $0 3 No
$101.20 $0 3 Yes
Regence $112.00 $0 3 Yes

Part D plans with gap coverage

has a plan for $29.40 per month with a $310 deductible. The plan’s high four out of five-star rating indicates impressive overall coverage effectiveness.

Cigna has a gap coverage plan for $59.20 per month. Patients must meet a low $100 deductible. The plan’s three-star rating indicates good performance.

An Aetna plan provides gap coverage for $62 per month. The program has no deductible requirements and offers gap coverage, and Utahns get three-star service performance with this plan’s benefits.

$29.40 $310 4 Yes
Cigna $59.20 $100 3 Yes
Aetna $62.00 $0 3 Yes
$101.20 $0 3 Yes
Regence $112.00 $0 3 Yes

Part D plans with a Low-Income Subsidy

Out of the more than 275,000 individuals with Utah Medicare Part D, many are eligible for low-income options that help Utah residents get their medications without costing high amounts. There is 42,221 low-income subsidy (LIS) eligible enrollees.

Utahns consider Aetna for its $34.10 premium and $480 deductible. Beneficiaries receive prescription help without gap coverage inclusions.

Wellcare charges residents $34.60 monthly for Part D; the plan also has a $480 deductible. Unfortunately, the program does not include gap coverage, but you’ll still get excellent service with its three stars.

Many beneficiaries also enroll in Clear Spring Health’s Part D plan for its $34.60 monthly premium. Patients meet a $480 deductible for the two-star plan. They won’t receive gap coverage but do get little to no-cost copays.

Aetna $34.10 $480 3 No
Wellcare $34.60 $480 3 No
Clear Spring $34.60 $480 2 No
Cigna $39.60 $480 3 No
$40.00 $480 4 No

Amount of beneficiaries that fall into each Part D coverage phase in Utah

Medicare Part D includes various coverage phases where the cost of prescriptions changes. The Part D “donut hole” is the phase where how much you pay for Part D increases.

The below chart indicates the number of beneficiaries in each Part D coverage phase.

Deductible Phase Initial Coverage Phase Coverage Gap Phase Catastrophic Phase
97,801 99,093 26,573 18,346

Estimation of Medicare Part D prescription drug premiums for Utah Cities

Reviewing the accompanying charts can obtain premium estimates for each Medicare prescription drug coverage type for the following cities.:


Can I add Medicare Part D anytime in Utah?

Those interested in Utah Medicare Part D can’t apply anytime. You have an Initial Enrollment Period after turning 65, which is the best time to enroll in Part D and avoid the late enrollment penalty.

You can also enroll during the Annual Enrollment Period, which runs from October 15 to December 7, or during a Special Enrollment Period.

If you didn’t already have prescription coverage, you could get a higher premium for applying late.

When did Medicare Part D become mandatory in Utah?

Part D of Medicare first began in 2006. While it’sn’t mandatory in Utah, many carriers offering standalone Part D programs may penalize you for not having coverage. This protocol keeps Part D prices low for most Utah beneficiaries, while those who refused coverage get higher prices.

Although Medicare prescription coverage isn’t a requirement, extra charges make it less optional for enrollees.

What are the four phases of Part D coverage in Utah?

In Utah, the four phases of Part D’s coverage include the Deductible Phase, Initial Coverage, Coverage Gap, and Catastrophic Phase. Most beneficiaries are in the Initial Coverage Phase.

While some beneficiaries’ medications reach the donut hole coverage gap, they’ll still pay affordable costs.

Is Medicare Part D worth getting in Utah?

Utah Medicare Part D is worth getting, even if you don’t need prescription medications. Considering it’s possible to incur a higher rate or extra fees for refusing service, paying the extra money is worth it, even if you don’t need coverage.

If you ever need to use it, you’ll receive low-cost prescriptions, copay coverage, coinsurance, and more.

How does Medicare Part D work in Utah?

In Utah, Medicare’s Part D is straightforward. Patients pick a plan that meets their prescription coverage needs and pay their monthly premium directly to the carrier.

From there, you’ll get your prescriptions from in-network pharmacies.

How to get help signing up for a Medicare Part D plan in Utah

You’re not alone if you need help enrolling in Utah Medicare Part D. The team understands your frustrations and needs regarding plan enrollment. We work with Utah’s top Part D carriers to locate the most helpful plans for your situation.

Whether you need help signing up or comparing plans,’s experts help you understand Part D. Best of all, our agents’ time is free to you — with no obligations.

Call us to speak with professionals and complete the online rate form to get the top rates around your area!

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Lindsay Malzone, Lindsay Malzone is the Medicare editor for She's been contributing to many well-known publications since 2017. Her passion is educating Medicare beneficiaries on all their supplemental Medicare options so they can make an informed decision on their healthcare coverage.
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Rodolfo Marrero, Rodolfo Marrero is one of the co-founders at He has been helping consumers find the right coverage since the site was founded in 2013. Rodolfo is a licensed insurance agent that works hand-in-hand with the team to ensure the accuracy of the content.