In the state of Missouri, there are currently 1,243,013 Medicare beneficiaries. Today we’ll discuss the facts and figures about the Medicare population in the State and Medicare costs.

Then we’ll talk about how Medicare works and your Medicare Plan options. In conclusion, we’ll cover some frequently asked questions and how to get help with Medicare in Missouri.

Missouri Medicare Facts & Figures

Beneficiaries enrolled in at least one part of Medicare:

  • 771,006 total
  • 634,678 aged 65 and older
  • 136,327 disabled under 65

Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in both Medicare Parts A and B:

  • 675,899 total
  • 558,935 aged 65 and older
  • 116,965 disabled under 65

Beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Part A:

  • 769,564 total
  • 633,253 aged 65 and older
  • 136,311 disabled under 65

Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Part B:

  • 677,340 total
  • 560,360 aged 65 and older
  • 116,980 disabled under 65

Medicare Costs in Missouri for 2024

As mentioned above, there are over one million Medicare beneficiaries in Missouri. Medicare coverage is a staple for Americans over the age of 65. However, it doesn’t cover everything, and most Americans have additional coverage to fill in the gaps.

  • Medicare Part A Costs in 2023 Medicare Part B Costs in 2023
    • Part A is premium-free for most
    • Part A deductible is $1,600 per benefit period
    • Inpatient hospital stay days 61-90 is $400
    • The standard Part B premium is $164.90
    • The annual deductible for Part B is $226
    • Medicare pays 80%, you pay 20% out-of-pocket

Original Medicare Coverage

Original Medicare refers to Medicare Part A and Part B. Most health care providers accept Medicare, and you’re not required to have a referral to see specialists. Coverage offered by Original Medicare is the same regardless of where you reside.

Part A covers hospital, inpatient, skilled nursing, and hospice care. There is a per occurrence deductible of $1,632. Once this is met, you pay nothing for the next 60 days in the hospital. If your stay goes beyond 60 days, you will be subject to a per-day copay.

Part B is your outpatient, doctor visits, and medical services coverage. You’re responsible for 20% of the cost of the services after you meet the annual deductible of $240.

  • Medicare Part A (Hospital Coverage)

    • Inpatient care in hospitals
    • Skilled nursing facility care
    • Hospice care
    • Home health care
    Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)

    • Services from doctors and health providers
    • Outpatient care
    • Home health care
    • Durable medical equipment
    • Some preventive services

Supplemental Medicare Plans in Missouri

In Missouri, there is no shortage of supplemental Medicare plan options. Next, we’ll go over the differences between them.

Medicare Supplement plans help pay the costs you’re responsible for after Medicare pays its portion. There are ten plan letter options to choose from. Medigap Plans go hand in hand with Medicare.

Original Medicare allows you to retain the freedom to choose any provider nationwide that accepts Medicare. There is also no need for referrals for specialists. The coverage is the same regardless of where you live and what insurance company you choose.

Medicare Drug Plans are Part D of Medicare. They are administered by companies like Wellcare and Aetna, which Medicare contracts to administer Part D coverage. They must follow the standard model the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services laid out. Their coverage must be good or better than the model outlined by CMS.

Medicare Advantage plans are Part C of Medicare. These plans take over and administer your Medicare benefits through private companies such as Humana and . The benefits must be at least as good as Medicare’s but are set by the company you choose.

On a Medicare Advantage plan, you should review your coverage evidence to see the copays when you use the plan. Additional benefits above and beyond what Original Medicare offers are usually included in Part C plans. Typically they include drug coverage as well.

Missouri Medicare Resources

Every state has additional resources to assist with different aspects of Medicare.

Missouri Cities with Medicare Supplement Coverage’s Estimated Premiums

The below cities in Missouri have a large concentration of Medicare recipients. Here are some illustrative charts on their projected Medigap plan costs:


Does Missouri have Medicare Advantage Plans?

Yes! Missouri has Medicare Advantage plans as an option for Medicare beneficiaries. Plans include HMOs, PPOs, PFFS, and SNP Medicare Advantage options.

How much do Medicare Advantage plans cost in Missouri?

Medicare Advantage costs and benefits vary depending on where you live. In Missouri, the average cost of a Medicare Advantage plan is just over $8. Although in many areas, there are options as low as zero-dollars monthly.

What are the most popular Medigap plans in Missouri?

Plans F, G, and N are the most popular plans in Missouri. First-dollar coverage plans were discontinued for new Medicare beneficiaries. Plan F is the most comprehensive and expensive plan. Plan G is the same coverage level as Plan F but is a little more cost-effective. Plan N is an affordable option with great coverage.

How much is Medigap Plan G in Missouri?

In Missouri, Plan G ranges from $136 to $739 for a 65-year-old nonsmoking woman.

Does Missouri have an anniversary rule?

Yes! In the state of Missouri, a Medicare beneficiary that’s enrolled in a Medicare Supplement plan has access to an anniversary rule. You can change from one company plan to another without underwriting on your anniversary date. You must enroll in the same plan letter to use the rule. The Missouri Anniversary rule starts 30 days before the anniversary date and continues for 30 days after.

How to Sign Up for Supplemental Medicare in Missouri

With plenty of choices in Missouri, many beneficiaries prefer to use a one-stop shop.

We assist Medicare beneficiaries and prospective beneficiaries with understanding Medicare. We educate them on their supplemental Medicare options, helping them find out which plans fit their needs and even with the enrollment process.

It’s a simple process when you have experts at your disposal to help guide you. Give us a call, or fill out our online request form. Our licensed brokers specialize in Medicare and assisting Medicare members.

Written By:
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Lindsay Malzone, Lindsay Malzone is the Medicare editor for She's been contributing to many well-known publications since 2017. Her passion is educating Medicare beneficiaries on all their supplemental Medicare options so they can make an informed decision on their healthcare coverage.
Reviewed By:
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Rodolfo Marrero, Rodolfo Marrero is one of the co-founders at He has been helping consumers find the right coverage since the site was founded in 2013. Rodolfo is a licensed insurance agent that works hand-in-hand with the team to ensure the accuracy of the content.